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The Youth League Committee of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University held the first semester of student cadre training in the 2023-2024 academic year

Release time: 2023-08-31 Author: Hits:

Set sail for a new journey, build a dream and start again。On the morning of August 31, 2023, the Student Leadership Training Meeting for the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year was held in classrooms 106 and 208 of Huamao Building。Mr. Liu Zhijie, junior high school moral education instructor, and Mr. Li Bing, junior high School Young Pioneers instructor, attended the junior high school meeting, Mr. Yu Ming, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Mr. Lou Saisai, Student Union instructor, and Mr. Wang Peng, Student Development Center, attended the senior high school meeting, and nearly 400 class leaders and league branch secretaries of junior high school participated in the training。

The junior high school meeting was hosted by Yao Mingyu, President of Junior High School Student Union, and Yao Yizhen, vice president of Junior High School Student Union, and Yao Yizhen, vice president of Junior High School Student Union。First of all, teacher Liu Zhijie from the Student Development Center introduced the rules and regulations of moral education in junior high school to the freshmen in junior high school, including the weekly work system, the morning inspection rules and regulations, the rules and regulations of recess exercises and the Shuimu Action with the characteristics of the affiliated High School, emphasizing that the students of the Affiliated High School should abide by the school rules and regulations and show responsibility and responsibility。

Host:Yao Mingyu, President of Class 2104, Student Union

Moderator: Yao Yizhen, Vice President of Student Union, Class 2109

Teacher Liu Zhijie interprets and demands the students' daily behavior norms

Subsequently, the first class 2208, the first class 2213 shared the management experience of the class。The first class 2208 introduced the cultural connotation of their own class,The class is united and friendly, diligent, responsible, willing to innovate, self-reliant,The students also feel very happy in their daily class life,Then introduced the class cultural propaganda characteristics,Get the students involved,Gather collective strength,I hope student leaders can gain experience from this experience,Joint construction and solidarity activities。The class name of early 2013 is "Shen Si", from "The mean" in "Li Ji", they mainly introduced the management method of the class, and put forward quantitative management, which can make the students full of fighting spirit in daily life, but also make the class more orderly in daily management。

The class experience was shared in class 2208

Class 2213 shared their experience

Then, the cadres of the various departments of the Student Union introduced the relevant matters of the Student Union to everyone and appealed to everyone to sign up。

Student leaders make presentations

Finally, Mr. Li Bing, instructor of the Student Union of Junior Youth League Committee, introduced the relevant arrangements of campus activities in this semester, and gave a detailed introduction to the community, "micro public welfare, dream setting", class space culture evaluation and other matters, and also put forward hopes and requirements for the work of each class cadre。

Junior high school Young Pioneers brigade instructor Li Bing introduced related activities

The high school venue was hosted by Pan Yiwen from Class 2211, president of the Student Union。First of all, Mr. Wang Peng from the Student Development Center reminded the students to focus on discipline and health. He pointed out the shortcomings of the students in the last semester and called on everyone to improve in the new semester. At the same time, he clarified the reward and punishment mechanism again and encouraged everyone to do their best to make the Attached High School better。

Pan Yiwen from Class 2211 hosted the high school meeting

Teacher Wang Peng introduced the requirements of school discipline and health

Subsequently, Cao Yuan of Class 2214 shared the class experience, and he shared the work of the past year from several aspects of class and branch introduction, branch work review, class construction review, and cadre work reflection。Class 2214 has set an example for other classes in the construction of class cohesion and the enhancement of learning community consciousness, and the ingenious ideas such as special class meetings and online cloud reunion are endless。

Cao Yuan from Class 2214, Senior grade shared the class experience

After that, the student cadres of the student Union introduced the activities arrangement of the new semester, the recruitment plan of the student Union of the Youth League Committee, the activities of "micro public welfare · Dream setting sail" and the arrangement of class space culture, and also carried out a simple training for the league branch secretary。Each class cadre listened carefully and recorded the specific requirements。

Speech by student leaders

最后,Mr. Yu Ming, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, wrote "Being a good Student Leader: Why,How to do it,This paper introduces the moral education idea and education goal of Tsinghua Affiliated High School,Put forward the new requirements and expectations for the student cadres of Affiliated high school,It is hoped that student leaders can "strengthen their ideals and beliefs.,Get good skills,Forge ahead, reform and innovation"。

Mr. Yu Ming, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, gave a speech

This new semester's student cadre training will help new students who have just entered the school to understand the campus, participate in the campus, integrate into the campus, but also allow students in other grades to quickly adjust their status after a long summer vacation and devote themselves to a more fulfilling campus life。At the beginning of the new semester, various activities are gradually planned and carried out. I hope that all student cadres can learn from good experience in this training meeting, carry out student work more innovatively in the new semester, and set an example to lead you through a colorful new semester。

Text: Lou Sai Sai Li Bing

Photo: Li Bing Yu Ming

Reviewed by: Li Shuxia Yang Ruizen Yifei

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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