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The second offline teacher workshop of China MOOCS Advanced Placement Courses was held at Tsinghua High School

Release time: 2016-09-08 Author: Hits:

The second offline teacher workshop of China MOOCS Advanced Placement Courses was held at Tsinghua High School

On the afternoon of September 8, the opening ceremony of the second "China MOOCAP Offline Teacher Workshop" was held at Tsinghua High School。More than 300 teachers from 70 middle schools across the country gathered at Tsinghua High School to further study "MOOCAP", an innovative model linking basic education and higher education。

The opening ceremony was presided over by Hou Jinke, director of the MOOCAP Teacher Workshop and Director of the Advanced Placement Office of Tsinghua High School Affiliated University。Mr. Hou first introduced the creation process and concept of CAP based on the beneficial experience of AP courses in the United States and the actual education in China. At the same time, he also showed the guests the design of MOOCAP courses and the recent gratifying achievements。In particular, nearly 1,800 students took the MOOCAP offline exam in July。Through this examination, test candidates' learning level。

Mr. Hou Jin-ke, Director of the MOOCAP Teacher Workshop and Director of the Advanced Placement Office, spoke

Nie Fenghua, Executive director of the MOOCAP Council and deputy director of the Online Education Research Center of the Ministry of Education, introduced the operating platform of MOOCAP, Xuetang Online, and the development status of MOOCAP。Chen Wei, deputy Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the MOOCAP Council and director of the Communication and Liaison Department of the Online Education Research Center of the Ministry of Education, focused on explaining the offline evaluation system of MOOCAP and analyzed the results of the first offline examination of MOOCAP not long ago。Associate Professor Yang Fang from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Tsinghua University attended as a famous MOOCS teacher and shared her experience in blended teaching。

Mr. Nie Fenghua, Executive Director of the MOOCAP Council and Deputy Director of the Online Education Research Center of the Ministry of Education, spoke

Chen Wei, Deputy Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the MOOCAP Council and Director of the Communication and Liaison Department of the Online Education Research Center of the Ministry of Education, delivered a speech

Tsinghua University foreign languages and literature department associate professor, MOOCs famous teacher Yang Fang speech

The "MOOCAP Teacher Workshop" has two online and offline sessions, with the online session starting on July 1。The MOOCAP Offline teacher Workshop will last for four days, focusing on subject knowledge training, MOOCAP classroom observation and exchange。Through trial lectures, group learning, and results display, teachers can lay a solid foundation and fully understand the instructional design skills and learning ideas of MOOCAP courses, so as to better serve students in learning MOOCAP courses。

Introduction to China MOOCAP:

"MOOC" is the acronym of the English "Massive Open Online Courses", translated as "Massive open online courses", generally called "MOOC" in Chinese.。In October 2013, "xuetangX", the first Chinese version of the MOOC platform created by Tsinghua University, was officially launched, and has now become the third largest MOOC platform in the world and the first in China。As the product of the development of online education to a new stage, MOOCs realize the close integration of information technology and education and teaching, so that the traditional classroom teaching mode is extended through information technology。Moocs are different from traditional open video courses, but use advanced IT technology to realize the full cycle of online learning process for learners。

Based on MOOCs to develop advanced placement courses, there is a combination of MOOC and CAP, called MOOCAP, Chinese name: China MOOCs Advanced Placement courses。In order to unite forces from all walks of life, in November 2015, the China MOOCAP Council was jointly initiated by the relevant departments of the Ministry of Education, nearly 20 universities and nearly 30 middle schools, and the launch ceremony was held at Tsinghua University on November 28。

The construction of MOOCAP takes "promoting education equity and improving education quality" as the starting point and goal, tries to change the single talent evaluation mode that relies too much on knowledge examination, pays attention to examining students' aspirations and abilities, and strengthens the process evaluation, so as to explore the establishment of diversified talent evaluation mechanisms。The development of MOOCAP focuses on the "connection" between university and secondary education, so that students can "learn broadly" rather than "top", let alone "learn deeply and learn early".。So far, MOOCAP is going well。Tsinghua University joined forces with some middle schools,7 bridging courses have been developed on a pilot basis,They are: Calculus (prerequisite), Linear Algebra (prerequisite), Probability and Mathematical Statistics (prerequisite), Physical Mechanics (prerequisite), Physical Electromagnetism (prerequisite), College Chemistry (prerequisite), General Biology (prerequisite)。The course design team includes professors from the university's department of mathematics, Department of physics, Department of Chemistry and School of Life, as well as well-known high school teachers。They are redesigning college courses for high school students and crafting them into MOOCs。Course difficulty and depth are positioned as bridging courses between university education and middle school education, rather than existing university courses。

In the future, in addition to "bridging courses", MOOCAP will also build "quality development" and "professional introduction" courses, aiming to help middle school students improve their comprehensive quality and understand the university's educational philosophy and professional Settings in advance, so as to better adapt to the new round of comprehensive college entrance examination reform pilot。

The official website of China MOOCS: http://www.moocap.org.cn

Source: Advanced Placement Office

Written by: Pan Xin and Huang Ping

Photography is by Kaili Liu

Audit: Hou Jinke, Che Xiaojia

Edit: Archives Room

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